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under engineered

planning checklist for people in tech

it's almost june and in just about a month's time a brand new quarter would start which comes with a possibility of endless opportunities in engineering roadmap parlance.

we've come a long way from knowing what would get done years in advance, like a construction building, say a new mall for which once the blueprint is finalised, you can usually estimate the multi-year work upfront at least on paper before you dive deep into execution. but who knew building software on time is even tougher or have we deliberately made it that way?

we work in sprints, we put our heads down for two weeks and then again and again. some teams decide within these two weeks what next to do and sort of groom their stories with no hints or indication of what lies ahead and coin words like agile :P

but there's just too much flux in this way. there's so much extra time being spent deciding every two weeks what to do. does this story even matter right now or can be pushed out?

in companies, work usually happens around big projects and launches. and they have dates or an expected date of launch. everything begins from there and you usually back calculate.

so with above context, how do you decide what gets done in a quarter? what actually is planning?

you can choose to wing it yolo style because life's too short to plan anything, because seriously who cares?

but you should care, as if your life depends on it

i've done it both ways (just don't tell my boss though), planned (roadmaps, sprints) on the fly and derived them meticulously by using the below framework. the difference was monumental in the quality of deliverables and the morale of the team!

earlier i'd have a meeting every two weeks, rethinking priorities and not just me, my entire team. i thought having them on the call would give them visibility but all they saw was uncertainty and jitteriness. they felt as if nobody had any idea what exactly needed to be done, and the entire team was busy pitching things they would like to do instead which might not be in the best interest of the organisation.

like it doesnโ€™t make sense for everyone to work on reducing build times or trying out a new framework which came out yesterday. i only hope my team doesn't hate me after reading this.

as leaders it's our responsibility to lead and give the team direction; instead of just counting the votes and take the most popular item on the list

so i had to change, and below is what i put together after i got humiliated at a party with my peers and bosses :P (no surprises there)

backstory: on a fateful night last year when everyone decided to hit a cool spot on indiranagar 12th main, i out of habit of blowing my own trumpet started telling everyone how i do planning on the team, and it's the coolest thing on earth, when i noticed their raised eyebrows and faces filled with disgust. i realised, something's got to give. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

so here's the framework which i practised, bettered, and almost perfected since that unfateful night

1. draft objectives & key results #

who ems and pms should deliberate and debate on the most important problems and get leadership buy-in.

some orgs have yearly okrs published by the ceo/cto's office which can be translated into okrs at your level which is nothing but matching your efforts to meet the company goals
when 40 days before quarter starts (q - 40 days)
output objectives & key results with impact


2. come up with initiatives for each key result (break-up & scope) #

who staff+ engineers breakdown the key result into solid activities which can be done by 1 person in about 2 weeks.

in short they define the scope and breakdown big problem statements into short palatable stories for the team
when a month before the quarter starts (q - 30 days)
output breakdown and scope definition of activities/tasks with t-shirt size (broad) estimates


๐Ÿ”บ means that the initiative needs refinement and is a fuzzy item. it will usually require an hld/lld/1-pager and would probably get executed as a spike item where concrete details would get added after a deep-dive or a small poc.

the staff+ engineers would also have to make a case as to why do they think the above initiative is needed with roi in mind as well, because such fuzzy initiatives require greater engineering efforts and often run into risk during execution

on the off chance, if all of your items are fuzzy, then it means that the planning is broken and the team is just putting all eggs into a singe basket, basket of uncertainty. in that case, adjust your goals to collect more data/insights first before jumping to solve the problem

3. prepare a plan with sequencing, owners and known risks #

who tech leads and ems define the sequencing in a gantt chart to see what's landing when and if there's a scope for parallelisation.

they also define the owners for each initiative and list down risks which needs to be under close watch
when 2 weeks before quarter starts (q - 15 days)
output gantt chart, owners & risk table

tech leads & ems create a gantt chart at this point to see how much work is possible taking into account the t-shirt size estimations & people's leaves.

quick reference to t-shirt sizing & project recommendations #

๐Ÿ‘• estimate in person weeks notes
s 2 person weeks can be lead & delivered by sde1/2
m 4 person weeks needs at least a senior engineer to see it through
l 8 person weeks needs a staff engineer to lead and constant architecture reviews
xl 16 person weeks multi-quarter effort and needs a staff+ engineer to lead & deliver
xxl 20+ person weeks multi-quarter effort and needs an architect to lead and breakdown

next would be defining the owners, which usually is done by first talking to the owners and setting the expectations of leading a project.

i usually make them owners of the respective epic where they are responsible to updating it weekly with crisp status updates and highlighting risks which need leadership attention.

lastly you need to surface up the known risks before you even begin the quarter. the risks could range from resourcing or dependencies on other teams. each of the risks need a date by which it goes away or a date by which the initiative itself gets scrapped.

for. e.g if you have an xl item but no staff engineer; then if you can't get the engineer by so & so date the initiative becomes no-go. similarly if you need an api from another team to build a feature but the dependent team hasn't prioritised then also your initiative will become a no-go

at this point you'll have to escalate the issue to your leadership to take further calls on the next steps.

i've deliberately left covering the gantt chart in detail as it's a standard item but i may cover it in a future post.

4. sprint grooming (bi-weekly before sprint) #

who only tech leads, ems, pms and epic owners
when 1 week before sprint starts (s - 7 days)
output stories with scope, exit criteria and context

the attendees refer to the gantt prepared at the beginning of the quarter as a reference and gauge the progress of the initiatives. they refine the tasks due for the current time period and convert them into stories.

here the stories can be implementation tasks, or creation of hld, lld or a poc. the entire activity is done by the aforementioned people to add details of the work that will be carried out by the team in the next sprint.

5. sprint planning (bi-weekly) #

who entire team
when just before or on sprint start (s - 2 days)
output stories assigned to people with story points assigned

this is a big team meeting where everyone would be present and the leads would walk-through the tickets prepared for the sprint; and clarify doubts of the team. members would then add the storypoints and share their understanding of the task so that everyone is on the same page.

conclusion #

if you reached till here, then you can see planning is a whole team activity but there's a method to this madness. every person on the team comes into the exercise at different times and for different things.

if as an engineering manager you just buckle up and tell the team to do x, y & z; sooner or later you'd find that it just doesn't work

this framework not only distributes the planning activity in the group but paves the way for building a high-performing team which goes over & beyond not because there's pressure but because the allure of solving something complex drives them and they see an opportunity to get better at their craft.

forced thanks to rahul, rajesh, deepanshu, and sajan for telling me how stupid i was at the worst time when i was having fun at a party in indiranagar ๐Ÿ˜ญ

special thanks to sid, bhavesh and amit for really reviewing the blog and preventing me from putting out another blunder.

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